The New Rolex Submariner Replica Watches

The Rolex Submariner Replica is a watch we talk about a lot, and for good reason. It’s the watch that most watches are compared to. But that can be a good thing and a bad thing.Rolex is generally slow to update it’s watches, and in some cases, it can seem like a watch becomes outdated, especially with the amount of scrutiny the brand receives.

The new 16610 had the caliber 3135, a sapphire crystal, a black gloss dial with white gold indices, and a new stainless steel called 904L. This was a pretty impressive spec sheet and though some of the updates had trickled into the Luxury Rolex Replica over the previous years it was finally in a complete package. A truly modern dive watch for its time.

The case was beefed up with thicker lugs and thicker crown guards. They added a new ceramic bezel, and also thicker indices and hands calling it a maxi dial. The luminescence changed again to a new proprietary material called Chromalight that glowed blue instead of green. The Fake watch also received a completely redesigned bracelet.