China Replica Watches – China IWC Replica Watches,China Breitling Replica

Mechanical  China IWC Replica Watches movement components are very compact, very precise parts, therefore, for the protection of the watch directly affect the accuracy of travel time and length of life.
Use common sense and protect the mechanical watch are: (1) to always compare with dirt and sweat soft cloth or silk gently wipe on the case, keep the bright clean appearance.
Do not open the back cover of the case.
<Span id = “more-649”> </ span> Clockwork have fixed (2) time, the best time on foot.
The full winding, accurate travel time.
It will not cause or reduce the life of the spring break.
After winding foot, not to hard to twist, to prevent damage to the parts.
The new feature of the spring, in just a few days with a good, do not put the full winding, a few days after use, the mainspring can bend gradually deepened over the foot.
When the bar, the best China Breitling Replica single direction of rotation of the arbor.
Watch a long time after use, if the strip becomes tight feel, can handle head gasket silicone plus point increase lubrication.
Automatic watch, when bedtime is removed, you should make it a little on the few winding on foot.
(3) checking the time, just pull out the stem, that needle injection, Shun, pull down can be.
However, the calendar watches and aviation watches should pull down.
(4) Do not let the cold and hot watches, drastic changes in temperature will increase the time to go watch an error.
Do not put theChina Breitling Replica on the sun exposure or home at a very low temperature ice and snow, but not on the next hot oven roasted, as high temperatures cause damage or deterioration of parts, sheet metal parts within the expansion and contraction will cause travel time not ready, so, in hot or cold working people in the work should be to remove the watch, on the heat (cold) place.
In the storage, transportation and storage, and to do sun moisture, dry and ventilated.
Temperature is preferably 0 to 35 degrees.
(5) to avoid severe vibration.
This article introduces a very detailed mechanical watches to be waterproof, shockproof, anti-magnetic knowledge.
(6) should avoid soaking wet, in the wash to remove the watch should be.
Is waterproof or swim tables in use for some time, due to a day on the handle bars also make head pad ring wear, loss of waterproof performance.
Moisture intrusion watch, if not promptly shed, it will condense in the glass surface of mist or small droplets, resulting in severe deterioration of the dial, rusted parts, if found to have fog, should be wiped off.
(7) the watch is magnetized, it will affect the accuracy of travel time, and easy to make magnetic back.
So, do not wear a watch to a strong magnetic field nearby.
Large error, you must watch by magnetic demagnetization when the watch away.
(8) can not be mechanical and cosmetic powder and the like on the same bend in pumping or box, as you can into a powder form, such as machine oil pollution from invisible gap, affecting mechanical operation.
In particular it should be China Replica Watches noted that the watch can not be installed on camphor closet, because the camphor gasification will spread into the case, so that the parts in the form of oil coagulation, rust and loss of lubrication, making parts susceptible to rust and wear and tear, resulting in reduced time and are not allowed to watch life go.
(9) the mechanical watch in motion all the time, so even walking normally watch, also still on schedule to check and open the bolt clean fuel, usually about three years time should be washable, poor seal watch, the time should be washable septum was shorter, it will give the moving parts lubricated to minimize friction and prolong life.
(10) when a mechanical Replica Watches is fast or slow, you should open the back cover to be adjusted.
The adjustable speed for speed needle, toward “+”, the speed will accelerate; toward “-“, the speed slows down.
So try tune several times, there is the experience of the time alignment.
If you watch every day slow, then adjust the speed needle is not valid, in which case, is the need to clean fuel.
(11) to be stored for a long watch, should be covered up after cleaning refueling.
On a monthly article also 1-2 times, so watch to maintain good operating performance.