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GIA certificate for the Iwc Top Gun Rose Gold replica diamond clarity recommendations: (1) the clarity of the diamond, the better the higher the price.
When you want to buy high-purity diamond or more for investment and collection VVS level or above is most appropriate, but do not overlook the value of color and cut.
When you are no special Iwc Top Gun Rose Gold * ETA 7750 Replica requirements for the clarity of a diamond, select VS, level of SI is the highest price, to the naked eye is unable to distinguish between SI and VS-year level, but Individual SI2 diamonds careful observation with the naked eye can sometimes see inclusions clarity.
Part of a diamond defects, is the nature of each diamond unique markings made, and also a marked difference in the price, what they need now.
GIA clarity grading standards FL-IF level of clarity: “FL” = impeccable level: no inclusions or imperfections impeccable quality of a diamond level .IF = completely perfect interior: no inherent flaws.
This level of clarity diamonds outside the diamond has minor scratches, but the inside is completely flawless.
Both clarity grade diamonds are extremely rare.
Please note, the domestic diamond grading certificate will not be issued if this level, the higher is the VVS.
Clarity VVS1-2 quality: Very Very Slightly Included quality .VVS1 quality diamonds Clarity is a little better than diamond VVS2 Clarity some degree.
VS1-2 quality Clarity: Slightly .VS1 Clarity diamond quality is slightly better than the VS2 some level of diamond clarity.
These diamonds have inclusions invisible to the naked eye.
Less clarity at several points high quality price.
The clarity grade diamonds are very beautiful, and the highest value.
SI1-2 quality Clarity: Slightly .SI1 clarity diamond quality is slightly better than the Diamond Clarity SI2 some level.
The purity of a diamond inclusions professional staff with a magnifying glass to see it.
This diamond clarity level has a unique price and value.
Cut ranking (CutGrade): refers to the evaluation and description of proportions and changes finished diamonds, a direct impact on the balance between the brightness and fiery diamond color and the overall effect between the two, it is very important.
GIA certificate system Excellent for the perfect, Verygood so good is good, fair is fair, poor is poor.
The last two are not considered when buying loose diamonds.
Cut (Cut) this measure is the only important factor in the operation of the technical team, and let the beauty of diamonds can be re-high.
diamond cut surface, proportion, symmetry (Symmetry) and Polishing (Polish), the effect of changes in the angle of the cutting surface, and adamantine luster diamond products may have the brightness, fire and scintillation.
Cut the ideal standard is average of these three indicators show.
After the GIA is how to develop the GIA cut grading accumulated through the analysis of research and data for many years, we have introduced a more complete system approach classification appraisal of the cut aujourd ay, GIA diamond grading as the initiator, from the end of 2005 to launch a diamond cutting After ranking, the market and consumers in a more simple and clear criteria to judge the diamond, GIA cut ranking also need the help of a lot of equipment specialist before they can be completed.
So EX particularly 3EX GIA certified diamonds, the appearance or effect of the general feeling is perfect.
Moderate revised (Finish): last operation diamond polishing rating.
Finish and is divided into two symmetry content.
Polishing (Polish) primarily determine whether the apparent ground Physalospora (Wheelmark) or burn scars (BURNMARK) exists.
For polishing note: EXCELLENT perfect, VeryGood good, good good, FAIR Fair, Poor.
Symmetry (Symmetry): Cut an evaluation component.
In the evaluation of primary education in the secondary symmetry and symmetry to assess the main fault no significant effect on the symmetry of the diamond appearance, symmetry minor defects have little effect on the fake iwc watches  appearance of beauty and value.
The main defects of symmetry include: awkward Girdle profile counters eccentric, eccentric bottom edge, corrugated belt or a tilt table.
GIA diamond grading system is divided into EXCELLENT perfect, VeryGood good, good good, FAIR Fair, Poor.
Fluorescence (fluorescence) The reaction is to stimulate the fluorescence of diamonds by the external energy, usually it refers to the color of the light reaction under exposure to UV light from time to time, which is happened.
Divided according to their strength: NONE not FAINT low, moderate MEDIUM, Strong, strong VERYSTRONG and five others.
FAINT which does not recognize the reaction fluorescence color.
Diamond fluorescence fluorescent Tips is a natural phenomenon, the blue fluorescence can improve the degree of white diamonds, yellow fluorescence can reduce the whiteness, so diamonds with fluorescence light here also.
A fluorescent blue diamonds will be even whiter than absence of fluorescence of the same color grade diamond, blue light when the fire will be a little more, but it depends on the size and the diamond fluorescence intensity.
When determining the color of the diamond is deducted scores on some blue fluorescent whitening, that is, if two diamonds color F, we have StrongBlue fluorescence is an international organization with a certificate, it is very Big is probably the original fluorescent colored diamond is higher than the other does not fluorescent.
But opposite yellow fluorescence.
National Gemstone Testing Center of China is not the fluorescence grading think most of the market now sell diamonds also not specified, except for international certificates.
Inclusions ( IWC Replica Watches): Some of the internal characteristics of natural diamonds, such as crystals of small crystals, cloud cloudy inclusions, they are available to be viewed under a microscope to internal features, to prove that natural diamonds.
type of diamond inclusion, it is crystal (crystal), Feather (crack feathers), Cloud (Clouds), iwc replica watches uk needle tip (Pinpoint), the internal texture (internal growth lines InternalGraining) and other guys.
Additional lettering (AdditionalInscription): according to your requirements can be diamond brand names, or their own additional private message engraved belt, and diamond identification number and the book to become a unique symbol of the diamond, additional lettering if not will not be marked.
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